Mushroom grow kit UK: 0800 069 9269 (08:30am-6pm-Sat8.30-11
Mushroom grow kit UK: 0800 069 9269 (08:30am-6pm-Sat8.30-11
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I am pleased to announce that the 3rd version of the world famous Inject and Forget Bag is ready to go on sale. With big hopes of 1000gram harvests from the first flush alone
Following on from the revolutionary success of the 1 and 2 pound Inject and Forget Bags. The only direction to go in was BIGGER and BETTER.
Version 3 has 4lbs of substrate and 4x times the growing space of our previous Bags.
As existing customer know, the Inject and Forget Bags allow a customer to grow mushrooms in any home with out the need of any FANNING, MISTING or CARE. We tailor the Inject and Forget bags for you so you can just sit back and watch the MAGIC of mushrooms growing.
The self contained bag stays sealed right up to the point that you harvest your first flush. After the harvest you simply soak with tap water, drain well and go again for many more flushes.
The sealed bags eliminate the chances of water or airborne contamination so often caused by the user when setting up other systems.
Please read on below...
First we had the 1lbs bag offering up to 150grams of fresh mushrooms on the first flush alone, then the 2lbs bag yielding up to 300grams on the first flush......
The brand new 4lbs Inject and Forget Bag Version 3 has 4 pounds or 1800 grams of our beautiful substrate with Oxygen Release Agents and we know our customers will be able to easily smash the 500gram mark. With some customers reaching 1000grams from the very first flush alone.
Pictured left:4lbs Inject and Forget Bag vs 1200ml grain tub for size comparison only
Of course it does Buddy. Simply Inject and Forget. Well you have to massage the spores around and through out the substrate and keep the bag IN THE DARK at 26-27c if you want this 4 pound monster to still colonise within JUST 2 WEEKS!!.
Yes buddy.. These bags can be fully colonised in just 14 days IF the spores are massaged evenly through out the entire substrate DIRECTLY AFTER INJECTION and the ambient temperature is 26-27c.
As I found out in MARCH 2018 WHEN DOING SIDE BY TESTS.
You can see in the picture on the left that the 700ml GrowBag has out preformed the 510ml MycoPot when injected at the same time. Since the tests in march. I have perfected the Brown Rice Flour substrate and reduced the colonisation time by a solid 25%.
Pictured Left: Side by Side Comparison
If you ever thought these projects are just smashed out over a week end you would be wrong.
Yes that is correct. As your spore syringe contains millions of spores, mushroom substrate Grow bags allow the user to evenly distribute these millions of spores through out the entire substrate. With the spores evenly distributed the resulting mycelium from the germinated spores only has to grow a tiny little bit before meeting up with the next spot of mycelium. So I have not changed the speed in which the mycelium grows just the efficiency in which the mycelium colonises. When all the white spots of mycelium have met up and grown together. Full colonisation is said to be complete and you are ready to show the bag light to start the hormonal changes that will induce the fruiting cycle where mushrooms are produced.
Yes that's right.
Darkness for colonisation and only light for fruiting. Its so simple its just.... Simple. Well simple for the customer. There is a lot more to the Inject and Forget Bags than meets the eye..... But this is the aim of To make life as simple and as easy as possible. No fanning... No misting... No mess...
The aim here is 2-3 weeks under normal light conditions with ambient temperature maintained constantly at 26-27c. A relative humidity of under 50% is essential to the overall speed and performance of all the Inject and Forget Bags.
It is. The inject and Forget Bags are some of the fastest fruiting systems in the world... I would actually like to say that the Inject and Forget Bags could be the fastest and easiest way to grow Mushrooms ever made. The above stated times can be reduced even more by using liquid cultures as the inoculant. Customers have reported being able to harvest their first flush only 4 WEEKS from inoculation when using either the 1lbs or 2lbs bags. 6-8 weeks is the average time scale from injection to harvest with the Inject and Forget Bags IN CUSTOMERS HOMES.
If you don't meet these time scales please have a look at your growing environment or contact the team for advice
Keen eyes my friend. Here we have the current family all in the same picture.
Pictured left and from front to back we have... 1 pound (454g), 2 pound (900g), 4 pound (1800g) and the big fella at the back.... IS A HUGE 6 POUND BAG (2700G) Inject and Forget bag..... version 4 soon to be on sale...
The new Bags are 65cm when laid flat and measure slightly less when filled with substrate and positioned in the tent shape... Sitting 10-15 cm wide when sat on a surface. These are the biggest most fruitful Mushroom Substrate Bags on the market at the moment.
Pictured Left: 1lbs Inject and Forget Bag vs 4lbs Inject and Forget Bag.
Hahahahah... I think you have to be nominated for something like that, but thanks man... The inject and Forget Bag is a bag designed by For the enjoyment of people everywhere, in any condition, in any home.
I wonder if NASA want give the bag a go in space??? hmmmmm
One of my most favourite reminders , “From Little Acorns Do Mighty Oaks Grow”. I say this to my self if i ever doubt what i am doing. Reminds me that big things often come from very small things and that some things take time to develop and grow. Patients and hard work always wins the day.
The Inject and forget system is about to get a WHOLE lot BIGGER and WHOLE lot FRUITIER.
Over the next month or so i will be experimenting with some new bags. With a view to producing and release 2 new sizes of Inject and Forget systems.
So the 2lbs/900g Inject and Forget Bags produce 200-300g of fresh mushrooms on the first flush with no fanning or misting nice...... So what do i hope a 1.8kg Inject and Forget Bag or even a 3.6kg would produce.
Lets do math....
The 900g Inject and Forget Bag produces 200-300g as an average in tests
The 3.6kg Inject and Forget Bag will contain 4x more substrate in a MASSIVE injection port bag that has 4x more growing space.....
Thats right...... To the Kilo Harvest and Beyond.
1000g from your FIRST flush.
No fanning and no Misting... Ever.
Can it be done.....?
I think we are just about to find out.
“From Little Acorns Do Mighty Oaks Grow”
Well to be honest i was starting to think the same but.......
Laidies and Gentlemen. May i present to you. Version 1 and 2. The worlds First Inject and Forget System. Giving estimated yields of 100-350grams of fresh mushrooms on the FIRST FLUSH alone. Without the hassle of fanning or misting. Only open the bag to harvest your Mushrooms. Meaning Fruiting is 100% Contamination Free
With a launch price of only £22.99 for the 2lbs option and just £14.99 for the 1lbs option. You are going to love this System.
Lol me too.
Its taken a few Hundred bags and don't ask me how much flour but i've done it!!!
I've made you a bag that you simply:
1 Inject with 2-5ml per pound of substrate
2 Massage the spores around inside the substrate
3 Sit on a heat mat 26-27c and keep in the dark until fully colonised.
4 Only add light to the bag when it is fully colonised
5 Open when ready to harvest.
All done from start to finnish in 4-8weeks.
Well im not going to fully explain the process of what we add. But i can tell you we add Oxygen Release Agents to the substrate. The clever bit is making them time release while still maintaining our 100% ORGANIC PROMISE.
Well there is a massive varriance in mushroom genetics as we all know.
Testing has been extensive but not exhausted.
We expect a yield of between 100-350 Grams based on the first flush harvest alone.
The cake can be soaked in water for 12hrs and fruited in the same bag again and again.
Hahahaha. I don't do Man hugs. I'll give ya a high five???
The bags are live for sale now and can be purchased EXCLUSIVELY in our shop.
Get in contact if you need more info
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